
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

How effective are backbench MPs? Essay

How effective ar backbench mononuclear phagocyte system? 40 marks Backbench mononuclear phagocyte system ar critical for UK democracy. They allow for high standard scrutiny of the giving medication which holds them accountable for their actions to the people. They help in representing the electorate. so far thither atomic number 18 approximately circumstances in which backbench MPs develop little control, for pattern an nonappointive dictatorship or because of the UK troupe system which is enforced by caller whips. Firstly back bench MPs are a upright way of promoting presentation in terms of their constituency boundary as they have been voted in by their electorate and so therefore should have a enunciate understanding of what the people need and want. However the bulk of MPs are white males between their 40s and 50s. Out of 650 House of Common MPs, exclusively 147 of them are female, which is disproportionate to the number of females in the UK. Also less than 25% of M Ps are from a multicultural background so it sensnot be cytosine% representative. Secondly backbench MPs allow the new government to be make accountable to the electorate. Backbenchers can take part in scrutinising foeman, or fifty-fifty their own parties, during events such as the Prime Ministers incertitude Time, where, for an allocated time, the PM is asked questions concerning anything. Select committees can also be used to scrutinise. For example the head of the Public Bills committee is always headed by a fellow member of the opposition, currently Margaret Hodge. This is to ensure that they are effective and non-corrupted.Although MPs have the effect to dissolve the current government, through a vote of no sureness (last one in 1979), MPs that standalone against their troupe by having controversial or independent thoughts on an issue, then they are brought into line by party whips which could result in having an MP who does not represent you adequately. It shows that MPs fall upon more together. Due to first past the post leading to majority governments, except for 2010 general election, it is very difficult to oppose bills, this led to something ecclesiastic Hailsham coined as elective dictatorship meaning that when a government has a majority in the House of Commons, it can pass bills with minimal opposition for its entire term in office. This was the case for Labour in 1997 when they win a landslide majority of 418 seats in the House of Commons. other reason why backbenchers are effective is through their use of debates, as it allows them to express their opinion and show their constituency, as well as their party where they stand on certain issues,like the EU, for example. However there are limits to their effectiveness. Debates have to be requested, and the chances are that the current government will only pick topics that they feel comfortable discussing or ones that wont chagrin them too much.This means that controversial issues eve ryone would want to know about may not be discussed, for example the Iraq war. Backbench MPs also have a quid less media coverage than high profile, frontbenchers. This allows the frontbenchers to make their views more know and make them a more of a familiar face during current issues. An example of this would be having frontbenchers on the BBC question time every Thursday. However backbenchers are still members of parliament, and because parliament is sovereign and the supreme law do authority, they are less pressured to tow the party line and therefore can stand more for their constituencies than the party they represent. To conclude, although MPs have a draw poker of constraints on their power and what they can do, through scrutiny and select committees, there are still opportunities in which backbenchers can become a lot more effective. Whether this is through fully representing their electorate, to embracing new technologies and using cordial media to communicate with thei r public.

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