
Friday, October 4, 2019

Carminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Carminal justice - Essay Example Therefore with the proper implementation and monitoring in place, we can project similar successes. Federal Bureau of Investigation figures on persons under 18 years of age arrested in the United States reflect a marginal (13%) decline from 1998 to 2002. Additionally in the 33 indices which are used to categorize criminal activity, the FBI figures reflect an appreciable decline in 27 indices, an increase in 5 areas and zero change in only one indices. The per capita crime rate for persons under 18 years of age in the United States decreased by 1% from 1998 to 2002.1 Albeit we have not yet turned the corner in ameliorating juvenile crime; these numbers represent light at the end of a long dark tunnel. For instance, on a national level From 1988 to 1992, the number of juveniles involved in aggravated assault increased 80 per cent to 77,900; the number involved in robberies went up 52 percent to 32,900, and the number involved in rapes rose 27 per cent.2 In the FBI figures presented in this proposal covering the period from 1998 – 2002, aggravated assault declined to 61,600 in 2002, or 21% since 1992. Also robberies declined to 24,500 in 2002, or25% from 1992. Although we are witnessing a downturn in the aggregate numbers, now is not the time to become complacent or satisfied with this trend. Of the 2, 261,000 arrests in 2002, 92,160 were violent crimes, of which 1,360 were murders, 4,720 were forcible rapes and 61,600 were aggravated assault.3 Crime has seriously affected teenagers’ lives, especially those who live in neighborhoods seriously hurt by crime, drugs and gangs. The effects are insidious and long-standing. Reports of juvenile crime dropping are of little consequence in light of the coming demographic surge of juveniles in their crime prone years from dysfunctional families. â€Å"How to deal with the Youth Crime Wave,† is an article written by professor dysfunctional families are committing murder,

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